The Covid-19 pandemic was an unexpected emergency that the world did not anticipate. The concept of social distancing, wearing a face mask, washing hands frequently with soap and water and using hand sanitizers have become a trending part of our lifestyle. The stress of pandemic is staking a toll on our skin and hair, altogether.

According to a study published by The Lancet, “Stability of SARS – CoV – 2 in Different Environmental Condition” says that the virus can live for “hours to days” depending on the surface and conditions. 

Consider these following situations that might raise your eyebrow in this regard –

  • A hair strand, if infected by a Covid positive patient, may live on a surface for up to three days, answers New England Journal of Medicine.
  • Sebum has anti-microbial properties hence, it may protect the hair strands from potential risks of virus.
  • Secretion of sebum in scalp varies from person to person. 
  • Covid-19 spreads through mucosa. Frequently touching hair with fingers increases chances of infection.

 Six pointers hair hygiene not to miss during Covid-19

Have a look at the following hair hygiene tips that you should inculcate in your lifestyles now. 

  •     Consider shampooing frequently –  Hair experts advise that a hair cleanser should be diluted with water and then massaged gently on scalp for at least two to three minutes. This exercise will ensure deep penetration of ingredients. Avoid dry shampoo as it doesn’t solve the purpose. Solid bar shampoos are also efficient.
  •      Ingredients matter – While choosing a hair cleanser, look for natural ingredients such as Neem, Shikakai, Bhringaraj and Tea Tree extracts. Neem and Tea Tree has excellent antimicrobial properties. These herbs will remove oil, dirt, bacteria and viruses from scalp and hair strands. They also control the excess oil on scalp and provide a cooling effect too.
  • Don’t forget oiling– Oiling hair helps to improve blood circulation and provides stress relief. Regularly oiling hair helps to control scalp infections, acts as hair growth promoter, controls damaged hair and prevents pre-mature greying. Soothing herbs like Hibiscus, Bhringaraj, Rosemary and Neem oil are excellent for oiling. Consider wrapping up your hair with a hot towel after oiling. 
  • Tie hair when going out– Do not let your hair fall on to your face or forehead. Pull it into a ponytail. If you are a healthcare worker or a COVID frontline,r you should make sure to cover your hair properly. Once you return home, wash your hair with a sulphate-free mild hair cleanser. 
  • Deep clean hairbrush– The virus may potentially be alive for two to three days on dead hair. Hence, clean your hairbrush frequently. Remove hair strands from your brush and immerse the bristles in a bowl of warm water with a few drops of detergent.
  • Stop touching your hair– Hair is nourished by natural oils that not only give moisture to the hair follicles, but also have anti-fungal properties. These properties inhibit the growth of bacteria which could be attached to the hair strands. The virus can be transferred from hands to hair if you touch hair all the time. So, avoid touching your hair.

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