Yoga and Ayurveda a holistic way of healing.
“Patanjali, the patron saint of yoga, said that mastery combines a balance of science and art. Knowledge of science is like the color’s on an artist’s palette – the greater the knowledge, the more colors available. The body
is canvas and the asanas are the art we create.”
The body and the mind are in state of constant interaction. Yogic science does not demarcate where the body ends and the mind begins, but approaches both as single, integrated entity.
Yogic science and Ayurveda stemmed out from the great tree of knowledge ‘Vedas’ that encompasses all of human life and the entire universe. Yoga and Ayurveda are not separate but part of holistic healing system, each performing
overlapping functions for greater good of humanity.
Ayurveda the knowledge of life and Yoga the knowledge of oneself complement each other to balance mind, body and soul.
Yogic asanas, Parnayam, Astang Yoga, Ayurveda lifestyle, diet, herbs and exercise helps to protect, regain the esteemed treasure of our life ‘Good health’.
Yoga For Skin
Yoga is one of the most natural ways of improving skin health. Yoga helps to stabilize hormonal changes get rid of toxins from the skin to improve glow, shine and tone of the skin.Meditation and yogic exercises for face help to tone facial muscles and skin to reduce appearance of wrinkles. Some of the Yoga asanas which will help are :
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Asanas & Pranayam for good hair. Halasana (Plough pose). Trikonasana (Triangle pose). Pawanmuktasana (Knees to chest pose). Matsyasana (Fish pose).
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A regular yoga practice increases flexibility and help strengthen and lengthen your muscles, there are obvious benefits to getting your “om” on regularly. “Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga they come together in the present.”
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