Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest form of holistic medicine. Ayurveda focuses on overall healing and states that a person’s dosha determines their personality and health. Dosha refers to a bodily humor in Ayurvedic medicine. There are three doshas: Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Their energies are believed to circulate in the body and govern physical, mental and emotional characteristics. A person’s unique ratio of Vata, Pitta and Kapha is said to define their Ayurvedic constitution, a blueprint to achieve optimal health.

Vata: Vata consists mostly of two elements air and space and is generally described as cold, light, dry, rough, flowing and spacious. Autumn represents vata for its cool and crisp days. Those with vata dosha are usually described as slim, energetic and creative. They are known for thinking out of the box but can become easily distracted. According to Ayurveda, for optimal health, a vata dominant person should follow a regular daily routine, manage stress through meditation and other calming activities and maintain a warm body temperature. Vata energy is linked to body movement including breathing and blood circulation.  

Pitta: It is known for being associated with a tenacious personality, pitta dosha is based on fire and water. It is commonly described as hot, light, sharp, oily, liquid and mobile. Summer is known as pitta season for its hot days. People with pitta are said to usually have a muscular build, athletic and serve as strong leaders. Those with a pitta-dominant dosha should focus on work-life balance and avoid extreme heat.

Kapha: Kapha energy, linked to earth and water, is believed to control growth and strength, and is associated with chest, torso and back. It can be described as steady, stable, heavy, slow, cold and soft. Spring is known as kapha season. People with this dosha are described as strong, thick-boned and caring. They are known for keeping things together and being a support system for others. For good health, a kapha-dominant person should focus on regular exercise, a healthy diet, maintain a warm body temperature and establish a regular sleep routine.

S No. Characteristics VATA PITTA KAPHA
1 Body Size Slim Medium Large
2 Body Weight Low Medium Overweight
3 Chin Thin, Angular Tapering Rounded, Double
4 Cheeks Wrinkled, Sunken Smooth, Flat Rounded, Plump
5 Eyes Small, Sunken, Dry, Active, Black,
Brown, Nervous
Sharp, Bright, Grey, Green, Sensitive to
Big, Beautiful, Calm, Loving
6 Lips Dry, Crack, Black/Brown Tinge Red, Inflammed, Yellowish Smooth, Oily, Pale, Whitish
7 Skin Thin, Dry, Cold, Rough, Dark Smooth, Oily, Warm, Rosy Thick, Oily, White, Pale
8 Hair Dry, Brown, Black, Knotted, Brittle
Straight, Oily, Blond, Grey, Red, Bald Thick, Curly, Oily, Wavy, Luxurant
9 Nails Dry, Rough, Brittle, Breaks easily Sharp, Flexible, Pink, Lustrous Thick, Oily, Smooth, Polished
10 Appetite Irregular, Scanty Strong, Unbearable Slow but steady
11 Digestion Irregular, Forms gas Quick, Causes burning Prolonged, Forms mucus
12 Taste Sweet, Sour, Salty Sweet, Bitter, Astringent Bitter, Pungent, Astringent
13 Thirst Changeable Surplus Sparce
14 Physical Activity Hyperactive Moderate Slow
15 Mental Activity Hyperactive Moderate Dull, Slow
16 Sleep Scanty, Broken, Sleeplessness Little but sound Deep, Prolonged
17 Emotions Anxiety, Fear, Uncertainty Anger, Hate, Jealousy Calm, Greedy, Attachment
18 Intellect Quick but faulty response Accurate response Slow & exact
19 Recollection Recent good, remote poor Distinct Slow & sustained
20 Joint Cold, cracking Moderate Large, lubricated