Yoga For Body

Yoga for good physical and psychological health. Padmasana.

1. YOGA for good physical and psychological health.

Steps for Pose

The basic pose before beginning any yoga regime.

  • Sit erect with your legs outstretched in front of you.
  • Bend your right leg so that you place the foot on the left thigh.
  • And bend your left leg to place the foot on your right thigh with both your soles facing upwards.
  • Place both your hands, one of top of the other, cupped with the palms facing upwards below your navel.
  • Keep your spine and neck straight, close your eyes and meditate for a while. It is a great pose to calm your mind.

  • Benefits

    This posture makes natural balance throughout the body and mind. After some days of practice, when the knees are stretched enough to remain in the Padmasana without discomfort, this great pose creates a feeling of effortlessness and comfort that will soothe the nervous system, quiet spirit and on the state of sharpness.

    2. Paschimottanasana

    Steps for Pose
  • Sit down on the floor.
  • Keep your back absolutely straight.
  • Stretch your legs out.
  • Stretch out your hand and then slowly bring them down to touch your ankles.
  • Remember you must not bend your knees while doing this. Repeat the same four to five times.
  • After you are done with it, breathe in deeply and then relax.

  • Benefits
  • Reduces fatty deposits in the abdomen.
  • Stretches the spine and brings flexibility.
  • Good for constipation and digestive disorder.
  • Relieves symptoms of PMS and menopause
  • 3. Bhujangasana

    Steps for Pose
  • First lie down on the floor on your stomach.
  • Stretch out your legs and keep your palms flat on the floor by your chest.
  • Keeping your lower body touched to the ground, raise the upper half as high as you can. Hold it for few seconds and then return back to floor slowly.
  • Repeat for two to four times.

  • Benefits
  • Strengthens back, also helpful for arms, shoulder and heart.
  • Massages the internal organs, especially the digestive organs
  • Helps relieve menstrual problems
  • 4. Trikonasana

    Steps for Pose
  • Stand with your legs about 3 feet apart.
  • Now raise both your hands keeping it at a straight line with your
  • Bending towards the right side, touch the toes of your right leg with the fingers of your right hand. Alternatively some yoga schools may also teach you to touch the toes of your right leg with your left hand fingers.
  • Raise the left hand towards the ceiling and look up towards your left hand.
  • Hold position for a minute.
  • Repeat the same with the left side too.

  • How it works

    Trikonasana creates a series of triangles with the body. These actions result in a powerful stretch of the front leg hamstrings. with a secondary stretch of the back leg hamstrings and gastroc-soleus muscles. It also stretches the upper-side abdominal and back muscles.

  • Strengthens your back, neck and abdominals
  • Especially helpful in post-delivery problems of backache improves circulation in neck, head and back region.
  • 5. Tadasana

    Steps for Pose
  • It puts a stretch on the whole body and helps you relax.
  • Stand straight with feet together and hands by your side.
  • Raise your body to your toes and while doing this stretch your body taking your arms up.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and then come back slowly.

  • Benefits
  • Help to develop correct posture.
  • Strengthen muscles of your thighs, ankles and feet.
  • Tones abdominal muscle.
  • Calms and clears your mind and nervous system.
  • 6. Anulom-Vilom

  • Sit in a comfortable balanced meditative pose.
  • Use the right hand thumb to close your right nostril.
  • Inhale from the left nostril.
  • Close your left nostril with your right hand’s index and middle fingers.
  • Exhale from the right nostril.
  • Do the reverse: inhale with the right nostril.
  • Close your right nostril with your right hand thumb.
  • Exhale with the left nostril.

  • This is one round of anulom-vilom pranayama.

  • Balancing body temperature
  • Relieving stress
  • Cleansing the nadis in your body
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Promoting longevity

  • Remember

    While practicing this pranayama, you must breathe into your lungs and not into your stomach. It can be done the year round and by everyone.

    7. Bhastrika

  • Sit in a meditative pose or in a comfortable position on the floor.
  • Keep the back straight and shoulder muscles relaxed.
  • Close the right nostril with your right thumb and bring your right elbow to the level of right shoulder.
  • Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale through left nostril—first slowly, then a little faster
  • Do the above steps about 20 – 25 times.
  • Take a long breath in and retain it for as long as possible.
  • This is one round of bhastrika pranayama. Now, repeat this round by closing your left nostril and breathing through your right nostril.

  • Benefits
  • Releases toxins from the body.
  • Reduces excess fat.
  • Enhances digestion.
  • Regulates the nervous system.
  • Purifies blood.

  • Contradictions

    Avoid practicing bhastrika pranayama if you suffer from hypertension, heart/lung complications or hernia. Weak persons (people with some illness or a low stamina) should avoid doing this pranayama too often.